I was watching FoundFlix, one of the YouTube channels I occasionally watch while waiting for a bus, train, metro or plane. This episode was a review of Glass, M. Night Shyamalan new blockbuster superhero movie. Jimmy – the host- explains how he had super high expecations based on M. Night Shyamalan’s previous movies in the same universe and then notes “expectations inevitably lead to disappointment”.

It instantly clicked. It is one of the key premises behind the omakases blog, why I started turning my Evernote notes into blogposts and behind and the way I travel (how I explore cities, how I find running routes, my omakase travel). Expectations f*ck up your mind, you have high hopes and anticipation of what could potentially happen. And while your mind goes for a trip on its own, it is hard for reality to catch on.

It is why surprise travel works (like with srprs.me), it is why surprise dinners work: expectations inevitably lead to disappointment. Travel/eat/watch/live without expectations and it can only be amazing (as also pointed out in another blogpost):

If you’re unprepared, you’re not planning.
If you’re not planning, you don’t have expectations.
If you’re not having expectations, you will not be disappointed
If you’re not disappointed, it can only be positive.
If it can only be positive, it might actually maybe, possibly, potentially as well be the most amazing and memorable thing you have ever experienced.

You never know. But it could very well be.

Expectations inevitably lead to disappointment. Travel without expecations and it can only be amazing.

See the full episode as well as the fragment on expectations (starting at 36 seconds) below:

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