Transporting shirts is a hassle. The best way to keep a freshly ironed shirt neat and fresh is to hang it. This is a stark contrast to transporting shirts, where they have to be fitted in your suitcase, crammed together with maybe an extra pair of shoes, your socks, gifts, toilet bags and other stuff that seems to be designed to get wrinkles in your shirts. So, packing shirts, fast.
The success rate of packing my shirts together with my suit in a protective sleeve and getting them to their destination without wrinkles is close to 0%. So, I quickly stopped packing my suit and shirts together.
To get my shirts to my destination wrinkle-free, I have two main strategies:
One (the least optimal): Give up on packing shirts.
A great way to actually transporting your shirt without wrinkles is actually giving up on that idea. Often, hotels have an ironing service. Depending on the country (especially in Asia) your local contacts often know a local ironing service that is often better and way cheaper.
Two: Prepare for packing shirts.
When ironing myself (never), by my wife (often), my mother-in-law (even more often) or an ironing service, I make sure at least some of the shirts are directly folded. In my closet, I always stock some folded shirt, so I can easily pack them without problems. It is hardly more work that hanging them, and you’re quite sure to
I then wrap fold the shirts (see shirt on the right) and wrap them in a protective sleeve (often 2-4 shirts together). I then pack this in a separate part of my suitcase. Successrate: 97%.