My travel plans

When I’m not traveling, I’m usually making new plans to travel (I even have a dedicated blog category for that). So here’s an overview of how I plan and what I am currently planning for. Omakase traveling (traveling unprepared, with an open mind) and extensive planning seem a contradiction at first. However, some basic planning (in case of city trips) and some more extensive planning (in case of multi-day hikes), helps to let loose and fully immerse.

It never hurts to dream – so here are the places I would love to visit. I tend to already prepare future trips to some level (this sounds in contrast with omakase traveling, but it is actually not 🙂 )

Upcoming trips (2021/2022)


Also, see my 2020/2021 travel plans post and my updated travel plans because of Corona.

  • April 2022: Camino Santiago
  • June 2022: Peaks of the Balkan
  • July 2022: Family Holidays in The Netherlands
  • November 2022: not sure yet

That’s about it. I’m currently considering a late 2022 Torres del Paine attempt. However, that is all very much in early planning stages.

Trips that got cancelled because of Corona

My travel destination bucketlist

Torres del Paine Shutterstock
Torres del Paine Shutterstock

It never hurts to dream – so here are the places I would love to visit. I tend to already prepare future trips to some level (this sounds in contrast with omakase traveling, but it is actually not 🙂 )

Additionally, as I have a family (divorced, two kids), I made sure to plan my solo travels to places and/or countries where I probably wouldn’t go with my ex and kids in the near future. Read my full post on planning holidays with wife and kids (when I was still married) and the updated planning holidays with ex and kids. So many amazing hikes, so little time. Why hiking? Read my separate blog post on why hiking and another on why I like to hike alone.

Why travel solo? Why these countries? Read my dedicated posts.

My hotel bucketlist

I’m a sucker for good hotels (here are some of my favorites). These are some I would love to visit some day.